
COVID19 in Trichy: Patient recovers, gets a heartwarming sendoff

The fight for Coronavirus all over the world is currently overwhelming.
The virus so far has taken the life of more than a Lakh people over the world.

In India, the country is currently in lockdown and has more than 7500 active cases and in Tamil Nadu, the number is nearing 1000.

Recently, a 26 years old youngster who returned from Dubai on March 22 was admitted in Mahatma Gandhi Govt. Hospital after testing positive.

The youngster now has recovered completely and is discharged after a joyful sendoff.

Here are a few pictures:

Meanwhile, PM Modi is expected to address the media any soon and is reportedly all set to announce the extension in lockdown for at least two more weeks.

Picture Courtesy: Bhuvi Shakthi Mohan.

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