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Netflix series My Secret Terrius ‘predicted’ coronavirus pandemic

Ever since the outbreak of Coronavirus, the fans are digging the shows and books to find something related to the current outbreak.

The recent show to join that list is Netflix’s My Secret Terrius. The viewers were left stunned after this 2018 series spoke about coronavirus.

In the final episode of the first season, a doctor can be seen talking about the outbreak of a virus named corona and she is desperate to find a medicine for the same.

‘Someone tweaked it to increase the mortality rate to 90%,’ she’s shown saying, after comparing coronavirus to MERS. ‘What’s more serious,’ she adds, ‘is that the coronavirus has an incubation period of two to 14 days. ‘The virus was manipulated to attack the lungs directly within just five minutes of being exposed.’

In the series, the virus has been shown as a man-made one, a bioweapon to destroy people.

Later in the series, the characters are shown teaching the children how to wash hands properly to keep away from the disease.

While Coronavirus is a common term which has been used to refer to a number of viruses, including the common cold before it was associated with Covid-19, people are freaking out and are sharing the clip on social media.

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