Editorial News

Police ask RJ Suchi to take down video about Fenix-Jayaraj custodial death

Thoothukudi Police has issued notice to Radio Jockey Suchitra to take down her video where she spoke about the custodial death of Jayaraj and Fenix.

In the video that went viral, Suchitra explained about their death and she was using social media to give updates regarding the case and was asking people to come out and support the victims. Now, the police have asked her to take down the video telling that the information she shared was “baseless” and was not backed by any proof.

In a statement, the police said, “Ms Suchitra’s descriptive narration of the incident is baseless and is not truly indicative of the real happenings. In this video, she falsely exaggerated and sensationalised the chain of events and her allegations seems to be a figment of imagination and is not backed up by any proof.”

The police shared a statement on their social media handle.

“சுசித்தரா, என்பவரால் சமீபத்தில் வெளியிடப்பட்ட சாத்தான்குளம் நிகழ்வு குறித்த காணொளி முற்றிலும் உண்மைதன்மையற்றது. மேலும், இது போன்ற காணொளிகளை வெளியிடுவது வழக்கின் புலனாய்வை பாதிக்கும் என சென்னை உயர்நீதிமன்றம் வழிகாட்டியுள்ளது. எனவே பொதுமக்கள் இத்தகைய காணொளிகளை நம்ப வேண்டாம்..! “

Suchitra now has taken down the video from her handles however, the video is viral.

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